Generosity - The Honey Bee
Honey Bees
Yellow and black alarms, Purposeful buzzing That creates sweetness and splendor- Turning nectar into honey. The social honey bee pumps its energy into keeping the blossoms and berries of the Northwest bountiful and beautiful. Their hairy bodies and legs carry pollen from place to place. In their quest to collect nectar from the flowers, they secrete an enzyme that digests the nectar turning it into honey. The bee then regurgitates the honey into the storage cells of the hive where it is stored for later use. Of course, this may end up being stolen by a passing bear or human with a raging sweet tooth! Honey bees have segmented bodies with distinctive yellow and black striped coloring. They bush out with hairs compared to wasps and their segments appear plumper. They also have hair follicles on their flattened legs which allow them to carry pollen. They feed the nectar to the larvae in the hive. Also, not just the queen, but all castes of the honey bee colony survive over the winter unlike other types of bees. The honey bee distinguishes itself for its vast economic importance to all levels of agriculture and growing plants. “If you only expect the best, you very often get it!” W. Somerset Maugham |
Generosity of spirit begins with knowledge of the abundance of riches that lie within and without. When we come to appreciate the unique beauty of all around us, we may also see it in ourselves. This awareness creates a profound sense of gratitude. With that unswerving gratitude, we understand that giving with thought and love will generate a cheerful heart and mind. Giving to spread kindness and love without expectation of return sets positive forces in motion. Further, giving anonymously to another spreads a tremendous sense of caring. Such acts affirm our natures as fellow travelers on this journey of life. The mason bee and others of the honey bee family continually share of their bounty by creating combs of thick, sweet honey. However, throughout their working days, while these busy bees are collecting nectar, they are simultaneously spreading pollen and fertilizing other plants. We all become rich through the beauty of flowers, fruits and vegetables that are created by the daily acts of these simple insects. They are generous beyond measure - with no need to take credit. Just remember to appreciate that they do not like to be disturbed in their work and can give a sting as a reminder! “If the bee disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have four years left to live.” ― Albert Einstein |